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 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * @package SMF
 * @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org
 * @copyright 2019 Simple Machines and individual contributors
 * @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD
 * @version 2.1 RC1

if (!defined('SMF'))
    die('Hacking attempt...');

 * SQLite Cache API class
 * @package cacheAPI
class sqlite_cache extends cache_api
     * @var string The path to the current $cachedir directory.
    private $cachedir = null;

     * @var SQLite3
    private $cacheDB = null;

     * @var int
    private $cacheTime = 0;

    public function __construct()

        // Set our default cachedir.

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function connect()
        $database = $this->cachedir . '/' . 'SQLite3Cache.db3';
        $this->cacheDB = new SQLite3($database);
        if (filesize($database) == 0)
            $this->cacheDB->exec('CREATE TABLE cache (key text unique, value blob, ttl int);');
            $this->cacheDB->exec('CREATE INDEX ttls ON cache(ttl);');
        $this->cacheTime = time();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function isSupported($test = false)
        $supported = class_exists("SQLite3") && is_writable($this->cachedir);

        if ($test)
            return $supported;

        return parent::isSupported() && $supported;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getData($key, $ttl = null)
        $ttl = time() - $ttl;
        $query = 'SELECT value FROM cache WHERE key = \'' . $this->cacheDB->escapeString($key) . '\' AND ttl >= ' . $ttl . ' LIMIT 1';
        $result = $this->cacheDB->query($query);

        $value = null;
        while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))
            $value = $res['value'];

        return !empty($value) ? $value : null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function putData($key, $value, $ttl = null)
        $ttl = $this->cacheTime + $ttl;
        $query = 'REPLACE INTO cache VALUES (\'' . $this->cacheDB->escapeString($key) . '\', \'' . $this->cacheDB->escapeString($value) . '\', ' . $this->cacheDB->escapeString($ttl) . ');';
        $result = $this->cacheDB->exec($query);

        return $result;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function cleanCache($type = '')
        if ($type == 'expired')
            $query = 'DELETE FROM cache WHERE ttl >= ' . time() . ';';
            $query = 'DELETE FROM cache;';

        $result = $this->cacheDB->exec($query);

        $query = 'VACUUM;';

        return $result;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function cacheSettings(array &$config_vars)
        global $context, $txt;

        $config_vars[] = $txt['cache_sqlite_settings'];
        $config_vars[] = array('cachedir_sqlite', $txt['cachedir_sqlite'], 'file', 'text', 36, 'cache_sqlite_cachedir');

        if (!isset($context['settings_post_javascript']))
            $context['settings_post_javascript'] = '';

        $context['settings_post_javascript'] .= '
            $("#cache_accelerator").change(function (e) {
                var cache_type = e.currentTarget.value;
                $("#cachedir_sqlite").prop("disabled", cache_type != "sqlite");

     * Sets the $cachedir or uses the SMF default $cachedir..
     * @access public
     * @param string $dir A valid path
     * @return boolean If this was successful or not.
    public function setCachedir($dir = null)
        global $cachedir, $cachedir_sqlite;

        // If its invalid, use SMF's.
        if (is_null($dir) || !is_writable($dir))
            if (is_null($cachedir_sqlite) || !is_writable($cachedir_sqlite))
                $this->cachedir = $cachedir;
                $this->cachedir = $cachedir_sqlite;
            $this->cachedir = $dir;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getVersion()
        $temp = $this->cacheDB->version();
        return $temp['versionString'];

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function housekeeping()
